Your Business Needs New Siding If It Has These Warning Signs

Your Business Needs New Siding If It Has These Warning Signs - home remodeling contractors - Mares & Dow

You never get a second chance to make a positive first impression. One of the best home remodeling contractors can make the first chance count.

As a business owner or manager, the sales process goes through a few phases before you win the loyalty of a new customer. The first phase of the sales process involves attracting potential customers by making a positive first impression. You want your business to present a professional appearance that makes potential customers want to come inside to learn more about what you have to offer.

New siding can make the difference in transforming your brand from an ordinary business into one that exudes high quality. The question is not whether your business needs new siding. Instead, the question is how do you recognize the signs your business needs to hire one of the best siding contractors to make a positive first impression on customers.

Faded Color

Most manufacturers produce siding that maintains its color for as long as the duration rating given to the siding. If the color of your business siding has faded, this means the waterproofing layers have started to deteriorate. Faded color not only presents a less than ideal appearance, but it also indicates your business is vulnerable to harsh weather conditions.

Bubbles Under the Surface

The development of water bubbles demonstrates the siding protecting your business has started to deteriorate. If you notice bubbles located in a specific area of the siding, you might be able to replace the section of compromised siding. However, noticing bubbles should be a sign that you are about to tap into your structural improvement budget to replace the entire siding of your business.


Insects love to make siding home sweet home, which often leads to the pests burrowing holes that require the completion of a foundation construction project. Unlike bubbles and faded color, holes indicate significant damage to your siding that requires costly repairs and preventive treatments. Holes that appear in the siding of your business become especially troublesome as the weather warms up after an especially harsh winter.


Siding is supposed to repel moisture to prevent the development of mold. If you detect mold growth along the seams of the siding that protects your business, the time has come to replace the old siding with new siding. Mold, fungi, and mildew can cause respiratory issues for both your customers and the members of your team. When cleaning areas of mold does not make it disappear, new siding might be the only solution to prevent mold from growing.

Increase in Energy Costs

Not every sign your business needs new siding involves physical clues. Higher energy bills can indicate compromised siding that needs to be replaced immediately. Cool air can leak out of the gaps formed by older siding and warm air no longer remains trapped to keep your customers comfortable during the colder months of the year.

Siding that has diminished in quality decreases the visual appeal of your business. To make a positive first impression, spend the money necessary to make your business visually appealing to potential customers.

Mares & Dow Specializes in Siding

Contact the siding contractors at Mares & Dow Construction and Skylights today to discuss whether siding is the best fit for your home. With over 40 years of experience, we offer the best in residential and commercial siding installation.

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