Transform Your Kitchen with This Simple Home Remodeling Addition


An overlooked area of kitchen remodeling is the ceiling. Most homeowners think of their ceiling renovation in terms of paint and light fixtures. This is a limiting scope of view, as it ignores a feature that could make the kitchen feel and appear completely different: skylights.

If you don’t have the budget for a full kitchen remodel, you can still get that all-expansive feel by working with skylight contractors. With a simple skylight addition, cooking in your kitchen will be a completely different experience.

Here’s why:

Skylights make your kitchen appear larger

Home remodeling contractors incorporate natural light into their projects to make the square footage work harder. As a vital part of keeping houses from feeling stuffy, home remodeling contractors rely on natural light to shrink shadows. When combined with bright wall paint, flooring panels, doors, and furniture, skylights can make a small home feel less stuffy.

The same concept applies to your kitchen. As the heart of your home, your kitchen should make you proud and excited. In addition to owning a sharp design, your kitchen should feel large and welcoming. A new skylight can chase away the shadows that swallow up the corners of your kitchen. With more surfaces visible to the eye, the kitchen appears larger.

Skylights turn your kitchen into an energy hub


Mornings will be more enjoyable with a kitchen skylight. In kitchens with limited natural light, it can be a struggle to stay awake. You might have to turn on a few kitchen lights if you’re up earlier than the sun, and electric lights could strain your eyes. With a skylight, the natural rise and fall of the sun will guide your circadian rhythm.

Your circadian rhythm is the body’s internal clock. It uses natural light to “schedule” your body’s essential functions, such as sleeping. At about 7:30 AM, your body stops producing melatonin, the hormone that makes you feel sleepy. At 10 AM, you’re at your highest level of awakeness. Your body begins secreting melatonin at 9 PM. At 2 AM, your body is prepared for the deepest sleep.

Without natural light, your circadian rhythm would be off. When you keep electric lights on past 9 PM, you’re telling your body it’s not time to sleep. If you keep your curtains closed in the morning, you’re telling your body it’s still time to sleep. This is why kitchen skylights can make the kitchen more enjoyable in the morning. The extra light will help your family stay awake even when they’ve had little sleep.

Mares & Dow are your local skylight contractors

Contact the skylight contractors at Mares & Dow Construction and Skylights today to install the latest VELUX models. With over 40 years of experience, we offer the best in residential and commercial skylight installation.

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