Category Archives: commercial skylight

5 Ways New Skylights Will Expand Your Business

5 Ways New Skylights Will Expand Your Business - commercial skylight - Mares & Dow

Commercial skylights are not only beautiful, but create a positive and pleasant work environment as well.  There are also several energy-efficient styles to choose from, so you can’t go wrong. As many studies show, natural lighting benefits not only employee wellness, but company growth, too!

So why, exactly, are commercial skylights a great option for your business? 

  1. Increased Productivity: It’s true. Well-lit spaces foster productivity, and commercial skylights provide just that. Imagine working in a dull, dim office; it sounds like a recipe for fatigue. Instead of promoting nap time, encourage efficiency. Natural lighting enhances mood, creates a cheerful environment, and even reduces eye strain. Employee wellness should be a priority, and by investing in natural light, you’re showing your employees you care.  
  2. Improved Mood: There’s no doubt about it, sunlight is a mood enhancer. It’s proven to increase the release of serotonin, aka the “happy hormone”. Responsible for regulating mood, Serotonin can decrease anxiety, improve focus, and support an overall pleasant state. Happy employees make happy customers!
  3. Welcoming and Bright: Dark and dingy, or bright and cheerful? Sounds like a rhetorical question, right? The latter creates a more inviting atmosphere for employees and clients alike. Spaces look larger, and rooms appear more open. (Hint: there’s a reason homeowners opt for light paint!) 
  4. Higher Resale Value/Lease Potential: Natural light is a hot commodity that comes at a cost. Brightening things up using skylights can not only make your space appear larger, but also make it a sought-after property. Think it’s a sham? According to New Day Office, properties with ample natural lighting can lease for $2-$4 more than their dark alternatives! 
  5. Cost-Efficient: Allowing an abundance of natural light to flow through, this is often reflected in decreased electrical bills. Buildings equipped with skylights luck out with natural heat, and light without having to flip a switch! It’s also worth noting, Mares Dow uses only the highest-quality materials when installing commercial skylights. With their impenetrable water barrier, you can be confident that the skylight product you receive can stand up to the elements. 

If you’re ready to transform your space and experience the advantages of natural light, commercial skylights are a fantastic addition. Remember, you can’t put a price tag on employee satisfaction. As productivity grows, so does your business. 

Contact your trusted contractors at Mares & Dow Construction & Skylights today to discuss the advantages of commercial skylights. With over 40 years of experience, you can feel confident you’re choosing the best in business.

Commercial Skylights: Can They Keep Your Team Productive?

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According to The Washington Post, 25% of Americans spend their entire day working indoors. That’s a lot of fluorescent and artificial lighting. Does this fact really affect the productivity and output of your business? 

The economic and physical cost of working mostly independent of the sun’s light is higher than most might assume. One way to let some natural light back into the workplace is by installing commercial skylights. So, what are the benefits? More than you might think. Here are the four best reasons for investing in skylights for the workplace is a great idea.

Commercial Skylights for Healthier and Happier Employees

Fluorescent lighting is more harmful than we know. While artificial lighting is not directly harmful, it is known to cause temporary and lasting effects. It has been proven that stress levels are related to constant exposure to artificial lighting. Migraines and headaches can also be caused by overexposure to artificial lighting. 

No one goes to work excited to spend another day in a stuffy dark environment. Commercial skylights installers can install a variety of skylights that will enhance an employee’s mood. Also letting in sunlight will increase the natural intake of vitamin D and B12, improving the overall health of your employees. According to the Sleep Foundation, sunlight is known to regulate sleep schedules, making workers better rested.  

Increased Productivity

When employees are exposed to natural lighting, they are more productive, less stressed, and enjoy their work. Vision is better in natural lighting, increasing depth perception, color visibility, and lowering blurriness. Studies have shown that natural lighting increases motivation and focus. 

Customers prefer to shop in businesses with lots of natural lighting. Overall energy levels rise in natural lighting as well. The investment will become worth it as the output coming from your employees improves. 

Greater Aesthetic in the Workplace

Brightening your office space will add beauty to your everyday environment. An aesthetically pleasing space will make employees feel more comfortable. Clients will be more likely to enjoy the time they spend in your business.  

Skylights also add value to the price of a property due to these reasons. Tenants are more likely to be interested in a space with plenty of natural light. 

Economical Advantages

Powering a business is financially and environmentally expensive. Skylights have the ability to save on temperature costs and lighting costs. Depending on where you place your skylights, you can usually save about 30% of these energy costs a month

Certain skylight features include being able to open a skylight to increase the circulation of air. Utilizing the sun’s rays can increase heat in the workplace during the winter, without letting unwanted cold air inside.

Some common worries of installing a skylight include leaking due to rain, and unwanted temperature changes inside of a building. Leaking can be resolved by the addition of a waterproof protective layer and sealing joints thoroughly. In addition, glazing technologies such as heat resistant tints and e-coatings are being used to prevent additional summertime heating and wintertime cooling, through the skylight. 

Commercial skylights are one of the best ways to bring sunlight into your office. Employees will find themselves happier, healthier, and more productive in their day to day activities. Skylights will be an investment in a company with greater output and healthier staff. For a business that’s environmentally and economically conscious, commercial skylights can be the next right move to make. 

How Mares & Dow Construction & Skylights Can Help

Mares & Dow Construction & Skylights offers a variety of Velux commercial skylights for your business in the surrounding San Francisco Bay Area. To find out more about our services, contact us at 925.671.9500. We can help you with all your commercial skylight needs.

Benefits of Natural Light

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While artificial lighting certainly has its place in commercial buildings, natural light has been shown to offer a range of benefits to building occupants. Many modern office buildings are designed around natural light for this very reason. For most of us, a majority of the daylight hours are spent in the workplace, so it’s no wonder that the desk by the window becomes the most coveted position in the office. Beyond the superficial benefit of having a nice view, employees who enjoy a good amount of natural light during their day also enjoy improved health, well-being, and productivity – while businesses simultaneously enjoy improved revenues. Read on to learn more about these benefits of natural light. 

Improved health

It is common knowledge that exposure to natural light is essential for good physical health. It is our easiest source of vitamin D, which is important for our bodies’ ability to absorb several key nutrients. Natural light is also pivotal for healthy natural sleeping patterns. Because the white light from the sun is what sets our internal clocks or circadian rhythms, those who get greater exposure to natural light tend to sleep better and longer. This has resonating health benefits as healthy sleep patterns are connected to better health overall. And improved health is an ideal outcome that not only positively impacts employees but their employers too. Something as simple as commercial skylights can potentially cut down on sick days.

Improved well-being

Vitamin D is not just necessary for good physical health, but it also impacts a person’s sense of well-being. Natural light has been shown to combat depression and elevate moods, even help with chronic pain. For employers, having a staff that is in a good mood does a lot of good in the workplace. For example, Pacific Gas & Electric studied the impact of skylights across several Walmarts in the same geographic area. The study reported that the Walmarts that had more natural light from the skylights had 40% higher sales than the Walmarts that only used fluorescent lighting. Employees and customers alike could feel the positive effects of natural light. 

Improved productivity

Employees who enjoy a good amount of natural light during their workday are more productive than those who do not. While improved health and well-being directly impact productivity in decreased sick days and elevated mood, those with natural light in their workplace also say they feel more engaged. This increased level of engagement allows employees to better focus and collaborate, getting more done with more successful outcomes. 

Improved revenues

A more productive workforce certainly has its positive impacts on revenue generation for a business, but there are other ways natural light in the workplace influences the bottom line. For anyone who has worked with home remodeling contractors to install large windows or skylights, it is no surprise that those features help to increase the home’s value. Plenty of natural light is a key selling point. The same is true for commercial buildings. Prospective tenants are more likely to pay more for a space that provides ample natural light. Additionally, building owners who install features that promote natural light experience a reduction in energy costs as building occupants don’t need to rely only on electricity to light the space. 

Mares & Dow Construction & Skylights has been serving the Bay Area since 1983. We are experienced home remodeling contractors, commercial skylight experts & siding contractors. We enjoy working with homeowners & businesses to ensure their vision becomes a reality. Contact us today to get started on your next project!

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