Benefits of Having a Skylight in Your Office

Benefits of Having a Skylight in Your Office - commercial skylights - Mares & Dow

Are you looking for a way to enhance the ambiance of your office? One of the easiest ways to improve the appearance of your office does not require a substantial investment. Installing one or more commercial skylights delivers several benefits that include a boost in the appearance of your professional home.

With a commercial skylight, you increase the amount of natural light that enters your office, and the addition of more natural light is a good thing for boosting morale. When your company discusses ways to increase the employee retention rate by boosting morale, you probably discuss issues such as an increase in bonuses and getting the team together once a week to participate in a recreational activity.

Adding one or more skylights can be the remedy you have looked for when it comes to boosting employee morale. Let’s review the benefits that installing a commercial skylight brings to the office.

Reduced Utility Expenses

Installing commercial skylights such as Velux Sun Tunnel Skylights can decrease energy costs by between 50 percent and 80 percent, depending on the amount of office space and the type of skylight that you install. With more sunlight entering the office, a skylight acts as an effective source of heat during the winter months. You can set the office thermostats to a lower temperature to counterbalance the increase in solar-generated heat.

Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal

Natural light refines the color of office space, as well as increases the perception of space. Sunlight does a great job of visually highlighting architectural components, especially older pieces that can look tired when placed in a darker area of the office. Enhanced aesthetic appeal does more than impress visitors to your office; it also has a significant positive impact on the mood of your co-workers.

Improved Ventilation

Offices not only can present a drab and dreary appearance, but they also frequently deteriorate in air quality. The same air gets circulated every day to create stale air that has a negative impact on work performance. Installing one or more commercial skylights allows you to improve the air circulation of the office during the times of the year when the temperatures are warm enough to crack the skylights open a bit.

Boost in Productivity

What does an improvement in morale do for your company? One positive effect is a boost in worker productivity. Adding one or more commercial skylights brightens the office to create a less stressful work environment. A less stressful work environment leads to an improvement in morale, which motivates your co-workers to work harder and improve performance.


With much of the sustainability movement focused on other solutions, adding a skylight in the office shows your company is committed to going green. Accessing more sunlight allows your company to use less energy, which means there is more of it available for consumption. Skylights do not require energy production that harms the environment. Installing commercial skylights reduces unhealthy emissions, while meeting the demand for electrical light consumption.

Enjoy More Privacy

Although the privacy benefit of installing a skylight often is associated with residential structures, companies benefit as long as they install skylights on the roof. Close the blinds to street-level windows and you get to enjoy a natural light source, without anyone looking in to see what you and your co-workers are doing.

Mares & Dow

Contact your local skylight contractors at Mares & Dow Construction and Skylights today to transform your home. We have over 40 years of installation and consulting experience.

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