5 Professional Traits to Look For in Home Remodeling Contractors

5 Professional Traits to Look For in Home Remodeling Contractors - home remodeling contractors - Mares & Dow

You have put a considerable amount of time into planning a home remodeling project. Now, the time has come to hire one of the best home remodeling contractors in the neighborhood where you live.

Remodeling a home requires a substantial financial investment, as well as an emotional investment that can be nerve-wracking unless you hire a reputable general contractor to oversee the entire project. A general contractor that has compiled an impressive number of positive online reviews is a good place to start when pruning your shortlist of candidates to manage your home remodeling project. The general contractor that you hire also should understand how to retain the charm of your home.

However, online reviews by themselves are not enough information for you to make the right decision regarding the hiring of a home remodeling contractor. You should consider five additional factors starting with a general contractor’s level of experience.


You can expect to hear the phrase “experience matters” when it comes to hiring one of the best home remodeling contractors operating in the Bay Area. However, it is not just the number of years that defines experience. A general contractor might have amassed 25 years of experience, but the experience consists of an inconsistent record of completing quality projects.

Experience matters when it involves a home remodeling contractor that has compiled a record of success completing projects similar to the one you have planned. For example, if your project is about remodeling the kitchen and bathrooms, you should consider one of the highly-rated home remodeling contractors that have experience completing the same type of project.

Professional Credentials

When you review the names of general contractors, you should see one or more abbreviations following each contractor’s name. The abbreviations represent the professional certifications awarded by national trade organizations. Professional certifications indicate a residential general contractor follows the code of ethics established by the organizations awarding credentials. Examples of professional credentials include Building Industry Association (BIA) and Certified Graduate Remodeler (CGR).

Cost Versus Quality

Basing a hiring decision for a home remodeling contractor solely on cost often leads to the completion of a home remodeling project that displays shoddy workmanship. A low bid for a home remodeling project might mean a company uses inferior quality materials and/or has employed inexperienced trade professionals.

Although you do not want to exceed your budget, it is an equally unwise financial practice to base the choice for a home remodeling contractor on cost alone.

Complies with Regulations

The regulatory shortcuts a general contractor takes can lead to the shutting down of your home remodeling project. Instead of saving time by cutting corners, your project can either stall or end before all the work is completed. Every general contractor on your shortlist of candidates must possess the proper insurance certificates, including workers’ compensation and property damage coverage. Make sure the certificates are current, as well as meet the legal standards established by California law.

Understand the Project Management Process

Communication breakdowns represent the number one reason why home remodeling projects turn out bad for all parties involved. A reputable home remodeling contractor should work closely with you, which includes explaining in detail the project management process. You should come to an understanding of how to communicate, as well as how often to communicate. There also should be a clear plan to address unexpected project delays.

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