New Siding: How to Save Money without Losing Quality

New Siding- How to Save Money without Losing Quality - siding contractor - Mares Dow

Siding is a major investment, and a complete overhaul of your home’s siding can require extensive labor and materials. To make sure you’re getting the most out of your money with a quality service, you should do two important things: Do the right research and get multiple quotes from reputable siding contractors.

Don’t skip out on your research

Before looking into siding contractors, it’s helpful to do some preliminary research about what siding installation involves, what siding material and pattern would suit your home, and when you can fit construction into your schedule. Siding contractors can fill in gaps in your research, but if you only rely on them for information, you limit your research. You might also miss out on potential project avenues, because the more contributors you have, the more likely you’ll reach the right siding choice.

Two major questions your siding research should focus on are:

  1. What siding material do you want?

Two popular and durable siding materials are vinyl and fiber cement. Vinyl siding is low cost, easy to maintain, and is immune to termite and pest damage. It doesn’t need to be painted, so you don’t have to worry about flakes and scratches, but it can crack and melt in extreme climates. Vinyl comes in many colors and styles, and can mimic natural wood at a distance.

Fiber cement siding is a paintable and low-maintenance mix of cement and cellulose fibers. It’s especially durable in rainy climates, and is resistant to fire and pests. Similar to vinyl siding, fiber cement doesn’t warp or twist, and can mimic natural wood. It’s also highly customizable, offered in a spectrum of thicknesses and densities, and shapes and sizes.

You should look into different brands, cost ranges, and homeowner reviews about their siding experiences. For example, fiber cement siding is a mid-range priced material that’s a favorite of many contractors and homeowners, whereas vinyl siding is less costly but not as attractive.

  1. What siding pattern do you want?

The main siding patterns are horizontal siding, vertical siding, and shingle siding. Horizontal siding consists of long boards that are laid horizontally to overlap each other in a water resistant design. It’s the most popular siding pattern in America because of its timely appearance and easy installation.

Vertical siding isn’t as common, but it’s a traditional look that suits farm-style houses and short houses. It consists of long boards laid next to each other vertically. Usually, the boards don’t overlap like in lap or shingle siding, because vertical trim strips are placed over their joints to block out water leakage. Sometimes the boards can overlap, or are installed with grooves for a stylistic look.

Shingle siding consists of individual cuts of material installed in overlapping rows. Shingles were traditionally cut from cedar wood, which has an appealing non-uniform grain. Natural wood requires special maintenance to protect it from water damage, so people tend to opt for fiber cement shingles to mimic the appearance of wood.

Your research might look into the best patterns for your house style, or whether your house would look good with a combination of patterns. A notable combination is vertical and horizontal siding, for a complex look. Also look into your color palette options, as certain colors work better together.

Get multiple quotes from reputable siding contractors

At the very least, your research should give you a basic understanding of your siding choices. You don’t need to know exactly what you want, but knowing the price ranges and different aesthetics will help you form a budget. Once you have a budget, reach out to multiple siding contractors for quotes. It’s important these contractors are experienced, so that even if the pricing seems too low to be true, you know they’ve proven themselves with prior projects.

Contact your local siding contractor Mares & Dow Construction and Skylights today for a siding installation quote. We have over 40 years of experience working within various budgets to install fiber cement siding that’s as durable as it is beautiful.

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