8 Indications That You Need the Services of Retaining Wall Contractors

8 Indications That You Need the Services of Retaining Wall Contractors - retaining wall contractors - Mares & Dow

Homeowners assume the responsibility for maintaining their properties, from keeping the lawn healthy to ensuring the strength and stability of a fence line. One of the lesser-known types of property maintenance for homeowners concerns retaining walls. A well-constructed retaining wall can prevent flooding and soil erosion. Retaining walls also enhance the visual appeal of a property, which in turn can increase the value of your home.

Let’s review the indications that you need the services of retaining wall contractors.

Maximize Land Use

If you have a sloped area on your property, you probably do not use the sloped area for anything. By installing a retaining wall surrounding a sloped area, you can create a garden or use the extra land to build a patio or another type of outdoor living space such as an outdoor dining area.

High Erosion Risk

If your property includes a large area that runs downhill, you need to find a solution to control soil erosion. One of the most popular reasons why homeowners need the services of retaining wall contractors concerns preventing soil from becoming displaced. A retaining wall prevents soil from becoming overly saturated, which helps keep it intact throughout the worst weather.

Controlling Rainwater

Homeowners should devise a plan to control rainwater to prevent it from entering areas of the home such as the basement and family room. Using the services of retaining wall contractors can divert rainwater from your home to other areas of your property. A retaining wall that diverts rainwater directly to a drainage system represents the ideal solution for controlling rainwater.

This is an especially important benefit if you live in a flood-prone area.

Out with the Old, In with the New

Like other types of home amenities, retaining walls have a limited lifespan. Prolonged exposure to harsh weather conditions eventually causes irrevocable damage to a retaining wall. A team of retaining wall contractors inspects your retaining wall to check for issues such as water leaks, disconnected bricks, and a large slippage of a wall.

Increase the Value of Your Property

Adding a retaining wall delivers as much visual appeal as it delivers functional appeal. Hiring a team of retaining wall contractors allows you to choose among different designs such as concrete, timber, and natural stone walls. Enhancing the visual appeal of your property should increase the value of your home. The functional benefits of a retaining wall also contribute to an increase in home value.

Protect Your Home’s Foundation

Soil erosion might be the least of your worries. If the foundation of your home is constantly exposed to water runoff, it might develop cracks that eventually compromise the entire structure. Gaps in the soil caused by erosion are another cause of weakening a home’s foundation. Hiring a team of foundation construction professionals ensures you maintain a highly stable foundation.

Divide Uneven Land

If your property includes several different tiers, installing multiple retaining walls allows you to create more usable spaces. Dividing uneven land into separate sections can help you build a tennis or basketball court on one terrace, while using a second terrace to create a garden to grow fruits and vegetables.

Neighbors Complain

Soil erosion and rainwater runoff do not have to impact your property directly. Both types of property issues can negatively impact the properties of your neighbors. If you hear your neighbors starting to complain about soil erosion and rainwater runoff, the time might have arrived for the services of retaining wall contractors.

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