Aaron R.

Mares & Dow replaced two aging skylights in our bedroom and installed automatic blinds on four skylights. This was not an easy job, since our bedroom has very very high cathedral ceilings. In fact, one other skylight installer refused to do the job altogether, and a second made a bid that was almost twice as expensive as Mares & Dow. Janet Mares, who was our main contact for the job, was a pleasure to work with. Her son, Jimmy, who led the installation, was fearless climbing the ceiling, and he eally knew his stuff. We’re thrilled with our new and improved skylights, and we appreciate Mares & Dow’s solid, reasonably priced, work. Thanks guys!

© Mares & Dow Construction & Skylights, Inc.
Customer rating: 4.5 / 5 Mares Dow Rating based on 57 reviews
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